I feel helpless
It feels helpless
When people have no food
It feels helpless
When people have no transportation
It feels helpless
When people don’t understand
It feels helpless
That curfew is the only way to reduce interaction
It feels helpless
When law enforcement uses brute force
It feels helpless
When employers keep employees late
It feels helpless
When the voice of God is unknown
It feels helpless
When His path is unclear
It feels helpless
When the people of God scatter
It feels helpless
When families have nothing to say to each other
It feels helpless
When people can’t live together
It feels helpless
It feels helpless
When people are favoured at the expense of others
It feels helpless
When evil is celebrated
It feels helpless
When bad behaviour is rewarded
It feels helpless
When the needy are mistreated
It feels helpless
When the voice of the people is quashed
It feels helpless
You say come to me all who are weary
You say there is hope for all
You say you see the hearts of men
You say you protect the needy
You say you are our hope
You say you are our reward
Right now…it all just feels helpless
I know you are our true Father
I know you are the Righteous Judge
I know you are our Defence
I know you are our Strong Tower
I know you are our Protector
I know you are our Redeemer
Right now…it all just feels helpless
I know you are the Plan
I know you are Yea and Amen
I know you are Everlasting
I know you are Immutable
I know you are Indefatigable
I know you are Ever-present
Right now…it all just feels helpless
I still the fear and say…leave
I still the worry and say…leave
I still the atmosphere and say…calm
I still my heart and say…wait
I still my mind and say…wait
Helplessness you cannot stay
I lift my eyes to the hills
My help is on its way
My hope is in the Lord
Maker of heaven and earth
He holds my foot steady
He keeps even as he doesn’t sleep
So helplessness your day is over
My Father never sleeps
My Father never looks away
My Father doesn’t drop the ball
My Father never lets me fall
My father never walks away
My Father never changes His mind
Helplessness your day is over
He keeps me
He covers me
He protects me
He preserves me
He restores me
He carries me
Helplessness your day is over
From this day on and forever
Helplessness you have no place