Who would have known that a shaking was around the corner?
Last Sunday 26.4.2020 started on a high. It was dull outside but my heart was light and joyful in me. I woke up later than usual but was still the first in the house to get up and about so I focused on breakfast. It was odd that I was cooking so early because my people and I eat after ten but I did it all the same. The young king called to say I had a missed call but I decided to finish before I dealt with the call.
Returning that call changed my life for good…
My other brother Paul, gone…
There are few people I know who are full of love and concern with such purity of heart and he is one of them.
There are few people who the world knows to be steadfast and committed to their faith in every sphere of life…he is one of them
There are few people; whose arrival or presence changed the atmosphere in the room…he is one of them
His dedication to the call of God in his life was undeniable
His commitment to showcase and be all God called him to be was evident
His love for his family, friends and the world, was clear
He was one of those special ones
Don’t think for a minute he was an angel ha!!
He was all man, with successes, failings and faults
He made mistakes in life and crossed paths
Yet the softness of his heart and the depth of his wisdom made him stand out
Very few men (here I mean male gender) are like this brother
Unafraid to try and fail, unbeaten in tenacity, setting out to accomplish every task assigned
Unafraid to walk paths uncharted, unmoved that he is alone on the way as long as God has sent him
He was an anchor in stormy seas, a great captain with eyes fixed on God
He kept his word and spoke his truth, keeping his destination in sight
He led teams through stormy seas, thick forests, dry deserts, calm seas, lush gardens and stillness
He understood that each one has a set assignment, destination, connection and output for God and he kept his eyes on his prize
He spoke of things with certainty because he knew his God and his path was set in Him
He navigated life at work in the banking sector, on ministry assignment, in his fitness pursuits, with friends and family with a cheeky smile, laughing eyes, warm heart, firm tone, steadfast belief that God has a plan that can be trusted
He raised the standards of every team he worked with and taught many to seek God and walk with Him in faith, life, work and passion
This week has changed me because once again I have been reminded that Jehovah my maker, gave me X number of days to become a certain person and complete and set task, reach a certain set of people and bring Him honour and glory
It reminded me that only the Maker knows the actual number of days He set, how many I have lived and how many are left.
It reminded me that no matter how hard I try, if I leave the path He has set for me, I will fail
So I set my gaze again as flint, on He who hovered over the waters of the deep, who created a pleasant place for me to live, who moulded me as the soil and breathed into me the breath of life, who set me on this earth in a community and allowed life and its challenges to shape and shift me.
I set my gaze on Him who knows the end from the beginning and is determined that I become that His word may be revealed and lived out. I set my gaze as flint on He who begun the good work in me and will be faithful to complete it in me.
I choose trust that though I miss my big brother Paul, he has run and finished his race therefore he has rested. I know that since I am still here I have a ways to go, more to become and still more to accomplish with and in God. So I raise my eyes to the heavens even as I allow the tears to fall and say,
“Indeed my Father, You know what is best for us. You know the times and seasons. You know how long we each have. You know that we can become if we decide to hold onto you.
I ask for grace to stand on your WORD every moment of every day. I pray for your healing in our inner man. I pray for your peace that passes all understanding to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
I pray that Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth, in my life, in this nation and the world at large as it is in heaven.
Papa, you are the balm that heals our hearts; the love that casts out all fear; the joy that strengthens; the peace that passes all understanding; the all sufficient grace; the everlasting covenant keeper; the one true God, the friend who sticks closer than a brother; the healer; the redeemer; the ever present help in times of plenty and trouble. I choose to be ever ready, waiting for your WORD.”
This is such a beautiful tribute to Paul, and indeed to God, our Father,the giver of life,to whom we shall all return one day. What a glorious day it shall be when we stand in the presence of our God and bow down to worship Him! Meanwhile, let’s fulfil out purpose here on earth. For Paul, I had hoped to help unravel some of what my dad had done over the years because I saw the same zeal, drive passion and business acumen in Paul, as I am learning about my dad. I knew he’d understand and help me get a grasp. But * guess the Lord has other plans…
As usual, you were able to articulate what most of us feel, but may not be able to coherently express. Thanks Kyess for allowing the Lord to use you.
To God alone be all the honour and glory. Your journey to unravel and restring is bearing fruit, keep pressing on