I’ve tried to fit in all my life
I’ve tried to follow the common path
I’ve tried to think like the crowd
My oh my, I’ve failed every time
I’ve tried to be politically correct
I’ve tried to be socially appropriate
I’ve tried to live like others
My oh my, I’ve failed every time
I have strong opinions
I have diverse perspectives
I have tonnes of question
I have deep silences
I feel every rejection
I sense people’s feelings
I see the struggle to align
I know the battle
I have no qualms speaking my truth
I have no challenge apologizing
I have no problem admitting I don’t know
I’m learning to ask for help
I walk away and don’t look back
I weigh my words but don’t remain silent
I judge your actions and responses to me
I preserve my heart
Everyone has a fair chance
To speak their truth
To challenge my position
To show their true self
To understand my heart
Everyone has a fair chance
To teach me something new
To chart a new path
To change their corner of the world
I am my father’s daughter
I am born in his image and likeness
I am the replica of his assignment
I am the anomaly
I am different inside and outside
I am built and shaped differently
I am intensely simple
I am breathtakingly beautiful
I am the anomaly
I have different tastes
I have different hopes
I have a different focus
I have unexpected dreams
I am the anomaly
I choose God over man
I choose divine assignment over money
I choose eternity over today
I choose future reward over immediate gratification
I am the anomaly
I demand commitment from my community
I demand alignment of values and hopes
I demand candour from my people
I demand honesty to a fault
I am the anomaly
I will pray for insight daily
I will pursue God single-mindedly
I will conform to the divine instruction
I will pursue the divine pattern
I am the anomaly
I listen only to the WORD of the Father
I commit only to His plans
I never explain my stand or path
I let life prove God right in me
I am the anomaly
I will not be driven by culture
I will not wait for the approval of the elders
I will always choose DIVINE instruction
I will always stand on the scripture
I am the anomaly
Do not worry if I look hungry
Do not worry if I look shabby
Do not worry if my life looks like a failure
Do not worry if tears fill my eyes and fall
I am the anomaly
Don’t hold your breath waiting
I will not be like you
I will not live like any other
I choose to be ONLY me
I am the anomaly
I will be more politically incorrect
I will be more pointed and honest
I will be more open and true
I will challenge the status quo more
I am the anomaly
I will not apologise for being different
I will not apologise for pointing things out
I will not apologise for walking away
I will not apologise for disagreeing with you
I am the anomaly
I will continue to speak out
I will continue to walk my path
I will continue to pursue truth
I will continue to stand out
I am the anomaly
I am destined for greatness
My life daily proves the goodness of God
My life tells a unique story
My life brings forth interesting realities
I am the anomaly
My life is a city on a hill that cannot be hidden
My life is a light on a high stand
My life is broken as evidence of God’s goodness
My life is a showcase of the divine
I am the anomaly
Anomalies stand out
Anomalies start conversations
Anomalies shift trajectories
Anomalies accomplish the impossible
I am the anomaly
I was the anomaly yesterday
I am the anomaly today
I will be the anomaly tomorrow
I remain an anomaly eternally
I am the anomaly