Changed Atmosphere

That day God spoke so clearly I almost jumped out of my skin. I had been running errands and walking to my next destination praying as I went along and then boom….the revelation hit. The most amazing thing is that I wasn’t expecting this to come through. I had been mulling over what He would have me say to the people I was going to meet. In this season I realise I need to say, think and do what he wants me to…period. So I prayed and asked Him to shut my mouth and control the thoughts going through my head and only allow me to speak at the appropriate time.


I remembered sitting at the feet a man of God and he said something that has stayed with me and I haven’t decoded it for like three months then boom it came. He said, “When you are truly walking with God, the atmosphere in the room changes when you appear and that is a fact.” Initially I wondered what it was about the guy and I could not get it through my head. When I was walking it hit me…the difference is not because I entered the room but because of He who is in me who entered the room with me. Wow!


The interesting part is that it had never made so much sense. 1 Jn 4:4 says, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” This means that when Christ is fully living in me with my full cooperation and permission to lead and direct my life He has full charge and control and can make the kind of impact He determined for me to be. Irony for me is that I have been a believer for so long but only recently have I really understood the place of total surrender and obedience to God. I always said that He gave me a head so He expected me to use it and went off and did my own thing. However, in the last few months I have come to understand that there is a greater plan and purpose to my life than meeting my personal needs and I need to lock into that.


This simply means that I am connected to God with confidence that He is the one giving direction and He has my permission to lead me the way He knows is best for me. When we are connected with God He is able to lead us in ways that are amazingly greater than anything we can ever achieve on our own. If He has the freedom to work in me and direct my thoughts and words I am able to make the kind of impact I need to make. Even if I was already making impact doing my own thing I am realised that I can make greater, longer lasting impact by tapping into God. This greater impact can be seen in the change of atmosphere whenever I walk into an environment. That is not to puff me up and make me proud, rather it is to remind me that it is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Almighty God (Zech 4:6).


He speaks clearly without a doubt. And as long as I am following Him and know his voice then I am guaranteed that He will speak to me and allow me to minister to others. This is how he changes the atmosphere wherever I enter. Whatever He has determined will happen in the lives of those in the room or vicinity will happen regardless of each person’s issues. It is not me rather it is the One who lives in me who makes the changes and seeing that I am not the same since He moved in then how can the atmosphere around me remain the same when He is in the house doing what He does best…caring for his people.


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