I Will Walk With You

I will walk with you, in the dark of night

I will walk with you, in the sunshine

I will walk with you, in the rain

I will walk with you.


I will walk with you, even when you don’t see me

I will walk with you, when you cannot see

I will walk with you, in the wind

I will walk with you.


I will walk with you, through the tears

I will walk with you, through the pain

I will walk with you, through the loneliness

I will walk with you.


I will walk with you, without shame

I will walk with you, without judgement

I will walk with you, without

I will walk with you.


I will walk with you, when solitary

I will walk with you, in the family

I will walk with you, in the nation

I will walk with you.


I will walk with you, because I love you

I will walk with you, because I believe in you

I will walk with you, because I have a plan for you

I will walk with you.


I will walk with you, and watch over you

I will walk with you, and guide you in truth

I will walk with you, and shine my light

I will walk with you.

Photo by Simon Migaj on Pexels.com

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