Never A Simple Choice

It is a simple calculation

He loves me

I love him

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is a simple choice

I choose him

He chooses me

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is a simple choice

I like my work

I find a great job

I will be happy

Or will I?


It is a simple choice

We want a child

We get a child

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is a simple choice

We like the location

We move into the area

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is a simple choice

We get better jobs

We make more money

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is a simple choice

We come to the faith

We walk by faith

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is a simple choice

I trust you

You trust me

We will be happy

Or will we?


It is never a simple choice

It takes commitment

It needs work

It calls for focus

Life is a sacrifice


It is never a simple choice

It is deliberate

It is considerate

It is full intensity

Life is a sacrifice


It is never a simple choice

It is a breath at a time

It is a step everyday

It is a hope daily

Life is a sacrifice


It is never a simple choice

It is full of hope

It is holding onto prayer

It is trusting the process

Life is a sacrifice


It is never a simple choice

It is change

It is being different

It is living ahead

Life is a sacrifice


It is never a simple choice

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

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