Faith is not a magic wand,
It is a covering,
A strengthening,
A guide through life,
A foundation.
Faith is not a magic wand,
It is a real time connection
Belief and trust
Hope for the future
Strength for the journey
Faith is not a magic wand,
It is an experience
A shift in your essence
A connection to your truth
A change in your life for good.
Faith is not a magic wand,
It is a work for life
A daily action
A consistent choice
A connection to truth
Faith is not a magic wand,
It is based on accountability
Connected to honesty
Wired to peace and life
A solid foundation.
Faith is not a magic wand,
It is an inner work
To disconnect from our assumption
To unlearn our previous ways
To learn and gain deeper understanding
Faith is not a magic wand,
It is proof of God’s existence
Grace for the journey
Peace for the season of trouble
The doorway to the things of the heavenlies
Faith is so much more than a magic wand…it is life everlasting.