Tag Archives: desperate

Am Desperate

This is the air I breathe, This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence, Living in me

This is my daily bread, This is my daily bread
Your very word, Spoken to me

And I … I’m desperate for you, And I … I’m lost without you


This resonates so clearly in my heart today and I am sure it does too for some others.

Desperate means ‘Having an urgent need, desire, etc.: e.g. desperate for attention,’ or ‘leaving little or no hope; very serious or dangerous.’ I have an urgent need to connect with my Papa and remember all He has continued to be even when I forget who HE is. It is interesting that He never changes and never moves away, but often I do when I am overpowered by the cares of the world and for a while forget who He is and how close He actually is with me.


Nothing will satisfy me unless it is the love and embrace of Jehovah Himself. I have in the past deluded myself that there are other ways to find fulfilment in my life and I have been brought back here again and again. Unless Jehovah reaches down and breathes His life into me I will shrivel up and die…unless I find time to concentrate on Him and listen to him I will shrivel up and die.

I am so desperate for You Papa, I am so desperate for You. I need a touch in places and measures that only You can understand. I’m lost without you…so lost without You. My daily bread needs to be his word in all its forms…spoken, written and Rhema. I can do nothing without Him and I can become nothing without Him.