No negativity


Take a stand, and refuse to be controlled by the negativity of others.  The enemy will use bitterness to defile you and everything it touches.  You must set a watch and not allow disagreement and opposition to hinder My purposes in and around you.  It is serious business for those who insist on defiling the atmosphere and quenching My Spirit, says the Lord.

Hebrews 12:15  Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled.


Often when we hear about negative energy we call it a new age thing. This reading today confirmed things for me that I have been thinking about for a while. Who I spend time with by choice or by default affects the atmosphere around me.

In the midst of my daily life I interact with people and bump into strangers who have opinions and attitudes. These could be positive or negative and I need to be on watch for the same.


Recently I was in the bank and heard an elderly foreign man telling off one of the customer service attendants. The bottom line of what he said was that we will never move forward as a nation because there is a critical flaw in us as a Kenyan people. He somehow believes that we will never really amount to much and we cannot see change through. I stood there thinking WHAT????

Okay some of the things he put forward made sense like the fact that we have got so much money as ‘aid’ that will need to be repaid yet most of us don’t think about that. Partly true but don’t we currently fund a bigger portion of our budget locally these days? Aren’t more of us working hard to build local businesses that are pushing the envelope and making greater economic progress? Aren’t we receiving more investment from Kenyans in the diaspora? They why did he feel that there was no hope for the nation? It must be based on the people he interacts with regularly.


So I got thinking…how much of the future of my life and this nation am I allowing to be affected and changed by the choices of others. How seriously am I thinking about what people are saying about me and the life around me? Do I know where I am headed? Do I declare success of my life and those around me? Do I focus on the good and achievable and not the bad? Do I care enough for the future to be conscious of what I say?

Let us choose today to remain focused on the things that are above and conscious of our impact with our thoughts, words and deeds. Let us be aware of the impact common thought has on our surrounds and be united in the same. Let us work with those around us especially the young people to teach the power of the spoken word. Let us commit our tongues to God that he may teach us to speak with care.

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