Tag Archives: defend


Know the Word God gave you; 
Speak that word every day; 
Pray the word; 
Depend on the word; 
Defend the word. 
To contend for the word, 
Be the one who stands their ground 
STAND until the word comes to pass. 
Do not be deceived it will not be easy 
Yet it is simple; 
Just STAND. 
Stand and don’t cede ground.
Stand in faith 
BELIEVE He is true
KNOW His Word never fails 
I t is simple;
Know the Word God gave you;
BELIEVE it thoroughly;
Speak it every day;
Pray the Word;
Depend on the Word;
Defend the Word.
The WORD produces 
The WORD performs 
The WORD changes 
The WORD fortifies
The WORD fertilises
Depend on the Word
The WORD is reliable
The WORD is living 
The WORD is active
The WORD is a sword
The WORD is a divider 
Depend on the Word
