Tag Archives: step up

Strengthened to Rise Higher


I see your heart, and I know that as much as you try to lift yourself up and be strong that there is still uncertainty and even a measure of instability in your soul.  But, I say to you, that I am your strength.  I am your very present help in times of trouble.  You cannot accomplish what you desire by the strength of your own soul.  You must allow Me to undertake on your behalf, says the Lord.  Let Me do what you cannot do.  Lean on Me and trust in My help. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.



The above devotional is profound in a strange sort of way. It is a clear reminder that even when I do it to the best of my abilities there are limitations to the heights I can reach. However, the simple act of placing my hand in the hand of Papa in total trust and certainty that He will see me through and enable me to do more than I ever imagined makes an even greater impact.

At times like these when we are seeking deeper and greater excellence and exploits, it is easy to be comfortable in our personal abilities based on what we have achieved in the last few years, months and days. I am not saying sit back and wait for things to happen because they won’t…not at all. I have just been reminded that there is so much more that I can and are destined to do but the reality that I sense in my heart is that what is out there cannot be achieved in my own strength alone. I need a hand up, wisdom, strengthening, direction and so much more. Therefore I choose to step forward into Grace and find peace and rest in the arms of Papa and be pushed, challenged and enabled to move to the next level.

Join me on this awesome and at times scary journey. We will be better people for this act of bravery. It takes a lot to allow someone else to lead us but let’s trust and walk tall.