He Shakes Me to Reach Me

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

I’m so excited

Why Jean?

Because of the word of God upon my life.



Ok…which word?

You see, I have been asking Him why He created me, why I am still in this place and why He has been silent for a while but today He spoke the answer to my heart.



How come he responded this time?

John, what is wrong with you?


You don’t seem to be taking what I am saying seriously

Oh, believe me I am.  I just really want to understand

Understand what?

What changed that today you heard His answer after days and months of silence.

Does something have to change for me to hear Him?

Sure! Maybe the questions you were asking changed, or you attitude changed or your perspectives broadened.

Coming to think of it, this week I stopped asking why and asked God what He had for me.

I knew it! Something had to have changed for the answer to be so clear. Please…continue! What did He say about your life?

So God told me that I am still where I am and working in that place for His redemptive purpose

What do you mean by redemptive purpose?

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

You can’t mean to tell me you don’t know what that is?

Well, my understanding is that it is living out our lives for the glory of God first and then for the good of the people to bring them close to God.

Absolutely! It means that my life and living will change the lives of people because I am there. I make room for people to reach their full potential. I am the channel that God is using to make them understand His purpose in their lives.

Wow! That is intense and sounds a bit self-involved.


Yes, you are talking as if only you are selected or chosen and others are slightly less than enough for the plan and purpose of God.

That is not what I mean?

Then what do you mean?

It means that I am an appointed agent of God, divinely appointed to live out my life for Him. A life based on the fact that God is faithful and He will give me the strength to do all He needs done and lead all those people to His throne room.

All that is good but can I ask a question?


What about your redemptive purpose?

What do you mean by my redemptive purpose?

Well, God did send you where you are with the experiences you have  been throug for your own good too

He sent me here so that those around me who don’t know or love Him will come to Him and change their ways.

That may be true….

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

May be true? It is a certainty! Are you doubtful that God sent me and that I hear His voice clearly? Are you calling me deluded and unable to make things work?

Not at all!

So what do you mean by my redemptive purpose?

Let me paint a picture…when a tree is planted, its purpose is to grow, provide shade, provide food (if it is one of those), and produce seed to be able to propagate its kind.


So why not you?


When God sent you to any environment, it is indeed possible that His plan is for the good of the people who are there. However, have you ever stopped to think that this place is all about you?

Of course it is about me bringing people to God and showcasing who He is.

No! not really!

What do you mean no?

I believe that everywhere God places us is all about learning about Him, from Him and becoming all He created us to  be.

Yes, learning to share Him with others in such a way that people will come to know Him

What is the best way for people to come to know Him?

To hear His word

Not really!

What do you mean not really?

The best way for people to learn about God is to see us showcase Him fully.

Isn’t that what I said?

Yes, but there is so much more to it. What is the best way to showcase God?

To know Him intimately

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

Image courtesy of Wilson Mrema Kyalo

Which means?

To be very close to Him, know his voice, respond to His instructions and be all He created me to be?

What is the best way to do that?

To spend time with Him.

Sure but there is more…what is the best way to do this?

I don’t know…none of my answers seem right

Let me help…the best way to become like Him is to go through trouble.


The best way to really know God and become like Him is to go through trouble.


Is there ‘trouble’ in your life that is meant to push you towards your God-given purpose?

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