I Am Enough

Don’t speak highly of me when I’m gone, if you didn’t say it to my face.
Don’t cry for me when I’m gone, if you didn’t laugh with me when I was here.
Don’t miss me tomorrow when you didn’t need me today.
Don’t bring flowers to my grave, off you didn’t bring chocolate when I was here.
If I wasn’t important in life, I shouldn’t be in death.
If I was easy to ignore I life, please continue when I’m gone.
If I was unremarkable in life, forget me when I go.
If I wasn’t enough in life, let it be the same out there.
To my people I am a legend,
To my tribe I am the gift,
To my companions I am unforgettable,
To my students I am the mad one.
I may be easy to walk past,
I may be easy to dismiss,
I may be easy to judge,
I may be easy to forget,
Don’t worry I’m ok with all that.
I’m simple with simple tastes,
I just want to love and be loved,
I just want to know God and live for Him,
I just want to be true and free.
I cannot judge anyone because I have ignored some,
I have walked past many,
I have turned away from others,
I am just like those who didn’t know my worth.
I am no longer like that,
I am ruthless with my choices,
Selfish with my time and energy,
Focused in my endeavours.
I am enough, I am learning joy,
I am at peace, I am stabilising,
I am learning to love me fully,
I am more accepting of me.
I am enough because He is in me,
I am enough because I am loved,
I am enough because I am enough,
I am enough because I am ME.
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Pexels.com

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