Tag Archives: Different

Living It Out From Here To There: 2

Picture courtesy of Billy Sketchmaster Mugambi https://www.facebook.com/SketchmasterB?fref=ts

Picture courtesy of Billy Sketchmaster Mugambi

As God has re-written the script for my life, I have realised that I have relentlessly pursued things that have not been mine. Yet I must say that as I have accepted this new path and begun to ask God to help me thrive, I have found grace and peace beyond measure, the doors I need open have opened, the ones that needed to close have closed. I have understood forgiveness in a new way. It is more for me than it is for the other person. I have learnt that living free is letting go of all I have known and learning afresh how I need to live. It has meant letting go of people, things, desires, thoughts, thought processes and so much more to connect to God’s design for me. Key words here…God’s design.

Even greater is the knowledge that His plan for me is nothing like His plan for anyone else; not even my sister, brother, mother, father, husband, child or friend. What God has planned for me is mine and no one else can live it out on my behalf. What God has for me brings me peace even when the whole world thinks I am mad and wonders what I am smoking and even when my life seems to be falling apart to me and the rest of the world. What God has for me mirrors Him, His plans, purpose, abilities and realities. What God has for me sets me up to be seen in the spheres He needs me seen and hides in the spheres where He needs me hidden. What God has for me brings my travel companions close and pushes all others to their respective places.

The Road We Must Walk:

Image Courtesy of Judy Niemyer

Image Courtesy of Judy Niemyer

The reality is that the road each of us must walk to live out our lives for God has means that we must cease comparing and benchmarking ourselves with others. Each of us needs to find our place in God’s plan and then walk in it with confidence no matter what. Let me explain. John the Baptist was sent of God to be the advance team and prepare the way for Jesus (Isaiah 40:3). He dressed in camel skin, ate locusts and honey and lived in the desert. He came out to baptise and share the start of the gospel. Jesus came after John at His appointed time and His purpose was to die and save the world. He came eating & drinking with all, changing water into wine, talking with the sinners, healing the sick, raising the dead and the works. He was despised and called a glutton. People didn’t like either of them because they were different from the norm yet each remained faithful to their call. (Matt11:18-19)

John the Baptist was beheaded for speaking the truth and his head served on a platter. Christ stayed the course to the cross and once wished the cup be taken from him. Yet He stayed true to His call and chose to die to save us. He prayed for strength and grace and went on to His destiny. I dare say that their certainty that God had called them kept them on track. Their commitment raised all those who needed to walk with them to show up and created opportunities to speak up for God and open doors for them.

Definitely Different:

Should our lives really be any different? I don’t think so. Will we have challenges? Of course. How do we overcome the challenging times? By standing our ground in absolute faith. Let me clarify that faith isn’t having a plan B for the off chance that God’s word won’t come through. Faith is following each instruction God has given me to the letter even as I don’t always see the immediate result. Faith is believing in and living out the hope I have in Christ and knowing that it will work out. Faith is walking daily in the confidence that every joint connected to me will supply on time. Faith is providing the right thing needed for every joint I am connected to.

Living it out from here to there is being confident that I know that I know that I know that I have heard God, I am walking in

Picture courtesy of Stephen Ananda

Picture courtesy of Stephen Ananda

His purpose and plan for me and that no matter what, I will stay the course, live the life and bring Him great joy. Living it out from here to there is being certain that I am called and appointed and nothing will stop me from walking the chosen path with joy and confidence in He who has called me and is faithful to complete this work in me.

Living It Out:

Are you truly living it out from here to there? Are you on the way to becoming a #LivingEpistle? Are you confident of the call on your life and the road you are travelling? Remember, a life lived out is of great, great joy to our Father in Heaven.

Let’s live out our lives every day.