No More Waiting

The article below was shared by a dear friend on July 24th 2014 and I felt the need to pass it on


To Know You by Casting Crowns

To know you is never worry for my life, and
To know you is to never to give in or compromise
To know you is to want to tell the world about you
Cause I can’t live without you

To know you is to hear your voice when you are calling
To know you is to catch my brother when he is falling
To know you is to feel the pain of the broken hearted
Cause they can’t live without you.

More than my next breath
More than life or death
All reaching for, I live my life to know you more
I leave it all behind, you are all that satisfies
To know you is to want to know you more
To know you is to want to know you more

To know you is to ache for more than ordinary
To know you is to look beyond the temporary
To know you is believing that you will be enough
Cause there is no life without you

More than my next breath
More than life or death
All reaching for, I live my life to know you more
I leave it all behind, you are all that satisfies
To know you is to want to know you more
To know you is to want to know you more

All this life could offer me, could not compare to you
Compare to you
And I count it all as lost, compared to knowing you
Knowing you

More than my next breath
More than life or death
All reaching for, I live my life to know you more
I leave it all behind, you are all that satisfies
To know you is to want to know you more
To know you is to want to know you more

Compared to you
Compared to you
And I count it all as lost, compared to knowing you
Knowing you
And I count it all as lost, compared to knowing you
Knowing you

Yesterday (July 23rd 2014), God asked me to post the words of the above song “Thrive,” and I honestly longed to do it all day only that I was busy all day with work, school and whatever else, so I didn’t do it when He asked that I should. This morning, I was arrested on my way to work for not fastening my seatbelt. Rather friendly police officers I must say; they simply stopped the matatu (14-seater public transport vehicles), went round to ascertain enough guys weren’t buckled-up, then instructed the driver to head to the police station. Long story short, we were put in a holding room, and they started processing us to go to court.

While in waiting, God reminded me of ‘The Instruction’ from the previous day, and strangely so, I had all the time to do it NOW. I mean, I wasn’t going anywhere, I was “grounded”! So while conversation went on in the room about the “weird” position everyone was in, I took out my headphones, turned on THE SONG and got to typing! Shortly, some names were called out, and they were taken straight to court! Now, what you don’t know is  that, a couple of guys were left in the room, and they were either conversing with Police officers in low tones, or some friend had come to sort them out. That is, all except myself and the guy on my right and left! Both just sat there, probably wondering what’s wrong with me!!

After a while, a lady officer came and called us to another office. By now it was only me and the guy on my right and left, the rest had been “sorted”! We walked into the office that had other lady officers. They simply asked for our names and told us to wait outside and we did! 5 or so minutes later, the lady officer who said we wait outside, came out, looked at us shocked that we were still around and simply asked “Si Mwende Nyumbani!!” (Just go home)…as though our presence there was a nuisance. So we simply turned and walked away.

As I walked out of that GATE, I was glad it was over, A Miracle had happened indeed not just for me, but also for the other guys. It struck me that it was so sad at the lengths God had to go to get me to do a simple act of prompt obedience!! In my heart of hearts I knew I was going to do it, but it would be “when I found time.” How sad…???!!! You see, I finally did what He said, rather late, and after arm twisting me. So I came out unscratched, but I know if it continued that way, it won’t always be so!
Dear Family,

I know we have HEARD this over and over again…”What I/We Hear, I/We Must Obey Promptly.” However, many a times, we slumber, or wait for a convenient time, or whatever else our excuses are. Today, right now, The Spirit of The Lord is Saying, “Leave All Else, And Follow My Leading and Instructions.” We can’t afford to delay anymore; at least I know I mustn’t. The big question is, what will you do about it?

I love and miss you all big!


I have nothing else to add to this one.

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