Tag Archives: passion

Lesson 4: Passion

I saw this photo online and it stirred me deeply and the image stayed with me all day. I have thought about it repeatedly through the day. It got me thinking about passion.

Passion….this is something I have really come to appreciate over time and I now know that I cannot do much if I am not passionate.

I interpret passion to be the intense connection to a task, gift or point of interest. It very often opens up opportunities and options in life. The reality however is that many of us are driven by things that would give us the greatest income or recognition. Could there actually be more to life than that? Should we be driven by something deeper and richer than riches and recognition.

I dare say that we should be driven by something greater, deeper and stronger than ourselves, income or recognition.

I desire to be driven by passion because it gives me greater reach and strength. Passion is fuelled by divine assignment and gives strength to go on even when things look bleak or I am short on supplies. Passion means that I never give up but follow through to fulfil the dream regardless and in spite of the prevailing circumstances.

Let’s be driven by passion and let passion keep us working and moving toward the fulfilment of our divine assignment.

Live everyday alive and ignited by passion.