Daily Archives: 29/09/2021

I Am Because…

I am a little off today because there has been a measure of difficulty the last few weeks. When sickness lands at your doorstep, it challenges your existing paradigms and tests the things you say. This round found me rather unprepared to stand strong and I was shaken.

How could it be that I cannot pray for us?

It is easy to assume that you are strong and stable but is that true? I struggled with hospital visits and giving medicine. I struggled with not knowing what to do? I struggled with interrupted nights and long days. How could it be that I could struggle so hard? Something had to give.

Strength is more than an individual pursuit but is born in community. Each one must have their strength learnt on the pathways of life because each one has a personal journey. Each one must bear their own cross on this journey of life. Each one must be diligent on the path assigned yet, we need to be grounded in family.

Strength is galvanised in community

When I could not keep it together, I reached out to my tribe, sisters, brothers and the eunuchs who watch over my journey. I called in those who understand who I am in this journey and keep me to account. I called for help because “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

One conversation shook me

Hey, please pray with us, I’m asking for prayer cover because I believe this is spiritual.

Ok. It will get well. No worries.

Right now…my heart is so heavy…I don’t know how but my blood pressure is also elevated.
You have to relax ok? All will be fine and well.

How could this one be so calm when I felt like I was losing my mind?

It is quite simple, this brother never wavers from the word of God. He never doubts the work of God or his timing. He never loses sight of the WORD and never lets go of the PROMISE. Every day he checked on us with simple pointed questions and gentle reminders to remain strong. Once we were on the mend, he spoke of alternative remedies.

Oh that I would always keep my eyes on God and never waiver.

Oh that I would never doubt the truth of the WORD.

Oh that I would never lack people to walk with me.

Oh that I would never forget to walk with people.

I am because of the people around me.

They are because I am in their midst.

We are because we are committed to growth

Our children will be, because we walked together.
