
Have you ever felt like suddenly your life is making sense? Well, of late I must admit that some things are still seemingly out of whack but in others things are falling into place so keenly I cannot keep track of them.

There are things Papa has asked us to leave behind and we are for one reason or other are unable to leave and then we are help back for a period of time. The process of being separated is not new in the walk of Christ but it is getting harder and harder as He asks us to make more and more cuts. So we let go of things that we once held dear and begin to focus on what he wants us to focus on and in the process he begins to make things clearer and clearer.

The harder it is to let go, the greater the prize to be won and the deeper the relational reward with Papa. I desire to walk in this deep content and wise relationship and many a times I am not sure where or how to go. There are things I know are mine to hold onto and others I need to relinquish totally.

Papa, may I lean on You every day and become all I can be with You and in You. In You life makes sense.

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