
I sat in the corner thinking

How did I get here?

What was I looking at?

When did this become my path?

The last thing I remember;

I was in young and happy

I was at the top of my game

I had solid relationships

I had hopes and dreams

I set out looking for that goal;

Striving to achieve something big

Planning to make a boat load of cash

Focused to make it quickly

Looking for lasting satisfaction

But it hasn’t panned out:

It is as if everything I have touched

Has died, failed, disintegrated

I hoped for a happy united family

Didn’t work out that well

I wanted to be influential

Known by many, loved by more

Sought for insight and understanding

The queen of the pod

I asked God what had happened

Why hadn’t it worked

You promised me the desires of my heart

Just look where  I am now

What do you want for me????

Where did I go wrong???

Which turn did I miss???

When did you leave me alone???

Image courtesy of pixabay

He answered:

I never left you

I never looked away

Neither did I destroy you

I wanted you to BECOME

What do you mean become?

To BECOME means:

To remember my WORD to you

To stand on the GRACE I give you

To BELIEVE me without doubt

To WALK in my ways no matter what

To know the depths of ME and remain

To spend time with me because you want to

To connect to the realities in me

To live out your part on this earth

To BECOME is to be more like me.

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