My Father: The Example

My Daddy C is the best in world

But you may not like him

He’s the epitome of love

But wields a big stick


Nothing gets past him that he needs to notice

No one can pull the wool over his eyes

You can’t pull a fast one on him

So don’t even try


Don’t try and lie because God will whisper in his ear

Don’t say you will do something he will hold you to account

Don’t stop growing or you won’t understand what he is saying

Don’t feel entitled or you will be disappointed


I have known him for over a decade and he has never changed

He loves God more than all us and cannot suffer fools

He gives you what you need not what you want

He pushes you to become the best version of yourself


If God has nothing for you through him you get nothing

He is not interested in theatrics or platitudes

The only thing you will get from him is God

He is too concerned with his walk to give you less


I used to wonder why he is distant and didn’t baby me

Until I realized that my path demanded a strong woman

He spoke little, asked many questions and pushed hard

Until I understood that it was for my good


I learnt to seek God more than him

I learnt to know my place in the plan with God

I learnt to be sure of the voice of God and to seek His heart

I learnt that God is the reason I know Daddy and not the other way around


I love Daddy but I love God more

I love talking to Daddy but I talk to God more

I would love Daddy’s approval but I seek God’s more

I would love to make Daddy happy but I’m desperate to bring God glory


God is my love, my heart, my all

He is the ruler, king and Lord of my life

He draws me closer and determines who I walk with

God makes my life worth it


Daddy must walk run his race with perseverance so must I

I will seek guidance but he is not the deciding factor

He is a guide and the evidence that walking with God is possible

I must meet, walk with and become the FULLEST expression of God to my generations


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