It was not intentional

I hurt you today

I caused you pain

I wounded your heart

I broke it apart

But it wasn’t intentional


I saw the pain in your eyes

I heard the break in your voice

I felt the blood gush out of your heart

I felt the warmth leave the room

But it wasn’t intentional


I sat alone afterwards

I couldn’t understand how it happened

I couldn’t deal with the depth of pain

I couldn’t believe it had gone down this way

But it wasn’t intentional


It wasn’t intentional

It wasn’t calculated

It wasn’t planned

It wasn’t premeditated

I am so sorry


I spoke my truth

Yet it cut you through

Sliced you into pieces

Devastated you

I am so sorry


I assumed we were on the same page

I figured you would understand easily

I guessed all was well

I didn’t tread carefully

I am so sorry


I should have spoken up earlier

I should have been clearer

I should have asked more questions

I should never have assumed anything

I am so sorry


You asked for time, I will give you

You asked for space, I will stand back

You asked to process, I won’t interfere

You asked for peace, I will pray for you

I am so sorry


I hope we can restore our friendship

I hope we can still be friends

I hope we can still walk together

I hope we can watch each other grow

I am so sorry


Please accept my heartfelt apology

I didn’t intend to hurt you

I didn’t plan it this way

It was not intentional

I am so, so, so sorry

Designed by Akiko Stories

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