Tag Archives: Nationalprayerday

Lord Have Mercy On Us

Today is a designated day of prayer in Kenya, from wherever we are. Take time to really reflect on the realities of this nation and lay your heart bare before the Father that He may hear from heaven and heal our land for our destiny is tied to the destiny of Afrika and we must there RISE to the fullness of God and His Word


Let’s raise our voices in thanks and praise for He

Is good & His love endures forever

Has given us life

Has a plan for the season

Has absolute understanding and awareness

Has preserved us this far and continues to watch over us


Let’s raise our voices in thanks and praise for He

Is the shield around us; our shield and buckler

Is our glory and He lifts our heads

Has delivered and kept us alive through the generations

Is true to His word and watches over us

Is our refuge, our strengthen, our deliverer, our life & our salvation


Let us raise our hearts in REPENTANCE for we have

Been unfaithful in our first love

Been unjust to our brothers and sisters

Ignored the widow, orphan & fatherless

Greedily looked after ourselves

Despised those of lower station than us

Cursed those with more than us


Let us raise our hearts in REPENTANCE for we have

Stolen from our community

Ignored His ways and statutes

Loved & served other gods before Him

Lied that we love Him yet we love money more

Been driven by greed to doubt Him

Forsaken the call to share love


Let us raise our hearts in REPENTANCE

Father look upon us in mercy

Have mercy oh Lord, Have mercy

Father look upon us in mercy

Have mercy oh Lord, Have mercy

Father look upon us in mercy

Have mercy oh Lord, Have mercy


Father your word says if we confess our sins

Repent from the same

And turn from our wicked ways

You will hear from heaven

And heal our land


Father look upon us in mercy

Have mercy oh Lord, Have mercy

For we are nothing without you

We will go nowhere without you

We are destined to fail without you

Father look upon us in mercy

Have mercy oh Lord, Have mercy


For our greed and sin


For our selfishness


For our fear and doubt


For walking away from You


For our loose tongues


For our slanderous words


For our arrogance and ignorance



Create in us a clean heart that desires only you

Renew a right spirit in us that will follow you

Renew our minds to Your word that is truth

Align our desires to yours that we would honour you

Where we thought we knew; teach us your way

Where we thought we were right; realign our thoughts

Where we felt we understood; restore our focus on you


Father, have mercy on us as your people

Raise among us your remnant who will never leave your way

Raise among us a people in your image and likeness

Raise among us a people devoted to your word

Raise among us a people committed to you


Father, have mercy on us as your people

For we do not know what to do

We do not know how to respond

We are broken vessels uncertain of the path

We are rudderless because nothing is working


Father, have mercy on us as your people

For if you do not, who will be our guide?

If you do not how will we live from here?

If you do not, where will we go for help?

If you do not, how do we function?


Father, have mercy on us as your people

Father, have mercy on us as your people

Father, have mercy on us as your people

Father, have mercy on us as your people


Father, have mercy on us as your people

FORGIVE us for being arrogant and proud

FORGIVE us for anger and hate

FORGIVE us for lust and envy

FORGIVE us for ignoring the plight of others

FORGIVE us for bloodshed and destruction



FORGIVE us for we have ignored our brethren

FORGIVE us for destroying your land

FORGIVE us for hoarding property and supplies

FORGIVE us for exalting ourselves

FORGIVE us for corruption and lies



Have mercy on us oh Lord

Have mercy on us oh Lord

Have mercy on us oh Lord

Have mercy on us oh Lord


Have mercy on us oh Lord

And heal our hearts

Have mercy on us oh Lord

And heal our minds

Have mercy on us oh Lord

And restore our souls

Have mercy on us oh Lord, Have mercy


Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For we are a sinful people

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For we are broken and shattered

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For we are weak and easy shaken

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy


Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For we are nothing before you

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For we have been unfaithful

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For we have lusted after the things of the world

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy


Have mercy on us oh Lord

That we may correct our lives

Have mercy on us oh Lord

That we may walk in your ways

Have mercy on us oh Lord

And heal our land

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy


Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For without you we are nothing

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For without your wisdom we are foolish

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

For you are our ONLY HOPE

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy


Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy

Have mercy on us oh Lord, have mercy