Here’s Every Blessing For You in 2015

2014 was an amazing year and ended on a high. On 13th October 2014 I wrote a blog about Judy Niemeyer and a tribute to her life. On December 28th 2014, we had a farewell event from her as she goes home. It was really a celebration of life and love with God and in God and God at work through her. It was colourful and alive with sights and sounds. It was warm, fun and worth every bit of energy and emotion put into it. Oh, there were over 400 people including children and adults.

The theme of the event was Life. Vibrant life is beautiful, a sweet aroma, colourful, enjoyable, full of joy, hope, laughter and even tears. To depict this, we chose the following colours:

  • Lime green – representing freshness, resting in the Lord and eternal life
  • Orange – representing a relationship and companionship with God
  • Yellow – representing Sonshine, sunshine and joy

larry blessing 10The greatest part of the event was a series of blessings pronounced on everyone by Larry based on age. It was really nice. Can you remember the last time an elder laid a hand on you and blessed you? I can and this event reminded me just how important these connections are. Everyone was asked to stand when their respective age group was called. The other interesting thing is that as the age groups got higher in number, fewer people stood. Meaning that the team in attendance was young and it reminded me that no matter how young or old we are we can impact people across all ages. The largest age groups were the thirties and forties.

Below are the blessings by age group so that each of us will connect to something new this year. Read, receive and hold fast to the blessing for your age group for 2015 and the rest of your life.


Psalm 119:

“Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth and it endures” (119:89-90, NIV).

  1. Children and Youth (0-19)larry blessings 1

“How can the young keep their way pure? By living according to God’s revelation” (Larry’s version 119:9).

The pure way is God’s design for your lives. There is nothing better for your life than that design.

Do all you can to keep that original design. May your parents, siblings, extended family, neighbours, teachers, friends, and church help you live according to God’s revelation.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.


larry blesssing 72. The Teachable Twenties

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your revelation” (119:18).

By this time you have come to know many things about human life.

Each year you have accumulated more knowledge about that life. And now, you still want to know more.

Above all else, however, we would want you to seek the knowledge of God’s LIFE in Christ.

So keep your eyes open to that knowledge revealed in God’s word.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.


3. The Tireless Thirties

“I run in the path of your revelation for you have set my heart free (119:32, my version).

These are bold, busy, searching, energetic years for you. 

In all your activity in the pursuit of the things of human life –family, children, jobs, careers, relationships, travel, gadgets – our prayer for you is that you will be eager for the things of God.larry blessing 4

Don’t let the things of human life entangle you. Enjoy hearts set free in Christ.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.


4. The Fiery Forties

“Let your compassion come to me that I may live, for your revelation is my delight” (119:77).

These are the years of one’s passions. You have learned to stay on long after others have given up.

You have refused to leave well enough alone.

You have chosen those things that deserve nothing less than the best you can imagine. 

You have begun to give your best to something you care about and you have begun to ask others to do the same.

During these fired up times, may you see that human passion works best when wedded to the compassion of God’s LIFE and that compassion is what God’s revelation reveals.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.

larry blessing 75. The Forceful Fifties

“I am always ready to risk my life; I have not forgotten your revelation (119:109).

To be forceful is to be daring, powerful, strong, dynamic, influential, persuasive, and convincing.

You have probably been tempted to exert these attributes in previous decades and you may have missed out on teachable qualities in your twenties, priorities in your thirties, and even the passions of the forties. 

But these attributes come best to you in your fifties when lessons, choices, and passions have matured.

So our prayer is that you will be forceful in godly ways, letting God’s LIFE settle into the inner workings of your life.  

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.

6. The Sacred Sixties

“I have more insight than all my teachers and more understanding than the elders, for I meditate on and obey your revelation” (119:100-101, my version).

This is your time to reflect, remember, and recall – to contemplate, meditate and deliberate. 

It is a time to finish up a life work, to turn things over to others, to compile memories, lessons, and instructions.

May all such activities have a sacred cast to them for you as you trace God’s LIFE in and through your life.

May you provide memories and reminders to those who follow you.larry blessing 8

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.

7. The Significant Seventies and Eighties

“Long ago I learned from your revelation that you established them to last forever” (119:152).

These are the decades when you begin to look at your life in decades, not years and months.

You’re happy if you can remember which decade some event happened.

But you also begin to make a big distinction between that which lasts forever and that which does not.

That’s what makes the decades significant and the decisions substantial.

May God give you clear sight on his vision, his dream, and his plan.

May he prompt you to point all the younger generations to the same. 

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.


Shalom and many blessings in 2015

larry blessing 6 larry blessing 11 larry blessing 5 larry blessing 7

Shalom and many blessings in 2014

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