Strength in Your Voice

Sometimes I call just to hear your voice

Other times you call when  I need to hear it

Every time I hear it, hope rises

Every word, resonates

I love the sound of your voice.


It is deep like a hidden ravine

It is gentle when encouraging

Stern when pushing

Light when teasing.

I love the sound of your voice.


It is always confident

Cools the soul like rain,

Warms like sunshine

Soothes like an evening walk on the beach.

I love the sound of your voice.


I love your laugh

It starts deep

Ends very light

Has notes of cheeky.

I love the sound of your voice.


Knowing you are with me makes me smile

Knowing we are working together strengthens me

Knowing you are travelling with me, brings hope

Knowing you speak when needed, is right

I love the sound of your voice.


Your voice signifies home

Your voice opens my heart’s doors

Your voice soothes me at night

Your voice calms our little ones

I love the sound of your voice


The little ones smile when you call

They look up when you laugh

They lie on your chest to hear the echo

They ask for your at the end of the day

I love the sound of your voice


I love the sound of your voice in prayer

When you lift us up to God

While you seek direction on how to lead us

When you pray for family members

I love the sound of your voice


I love the sound of your voice in song

Lifting your praise to our Father

Giving thanks for the Life He gives

Raising the banner in war

I love the sound of your voice


I love the sound of your voice in times of joy

When you laugh unstoppably

When you sigh sounds like a song

When you are contagious with joy

I love the sound of your voice


I love the sound of your voice in grief

As you let out the sadness gently

Or when you scream out the pain

Or just groan as the pain flows through

I love the sound of your voice


I love the sound of your voice

Every night as you lift your voice in prayer

Every morning when you call us out

Every afternoon when you check on me

I ALWAYS love the sound of your voice


Photo by Dmitry Demidov on

Inspired by a conversation about love

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