Tag Archives: Mumble

Step Out & Do Something

I grew up with no TV during the week like many of my peers but in this day and age it is different. The thing is about balance and how long not none at all. The last couple of weeks have been a lot of fun with time to connect with my lil man. We have been watching movies together every evening and it has been amazing. I think I need to do this for a while to come. Lol…we watch reruns a lot because we are done with the collection but there is something new in each episode. The best part at times is when one of us (more often him) talks along with the script. When you can do that know that you have spent a lot of time watching that particular movie.

The other day we are watching Happy Feet. Happy Feet is the story of young Emperor Penguin who is absolutely different from all the other penguins of his

Emperor penguins

Emperor penguins

kind. He was dropped by his father before he was born. He came out of the shell feet first. He danced instead of sung. He left home and joined a posse of Isabeline Penguins because no one else accepts him as he is. In the movie this one penguin misfit goes on and saves the day for the whole population from starvation. However, there is also the deeper reality that there is a big fight between the old way of doing things and the new way Mumble presents. The elders have a certain view of life and the way they have lived it and so they want the community to hold onto these ways as they are benchmark of their long existence. Then enter the young Mumble

Isabeline penguins

Isabeline penguins

who is totally different and is only trying to be himself and find out what is causing all their problems. Mumble sees things differently because the reality of his life and the challenges he has faced since he was born have changed his perspective. It has caused him to ask questions and not just accept things as this is the way we do it.

Mumble comes back home to win Gloria’s heart with the help of his posse of Isabeline penguins. These little guys are hilarious and seemingly mad but they accept Mumble as he is and do everything in their power to help each other. However, Mumble is not successful and is thrown out of home for encouraging other to challenge the status quo and try nothing new i.e. dancing. His pursuit for the truth leads him to go to see Lovelace for answers. Lovelace is an Isabeline penguin with a special lace around his neck bestowed on him by the ‘gods’ in truth it is an engine gasket. Lovelace leads them to the place he got this lace and they find that it is the place where man has left a lot of waste from expeditions into the Antarctica and this waste is polluting the environment. They encounter a lot of danger the greatest being a large fishing trawler. Now Mumble sees what is taking their food and decides to do all he can to stop the ‘aliens’ aka man from killing them. He asks the posse to take care of Gloria and he dives off a very tall ice cliff to follow the trawler and try to talk to the ‘aliens’ (aka humans) to leave their food supply alone.

The movie goes on beyond here but this part struck me and struck me hard. It is interesting when I look critically at Mumble. There are things I see that stand out and take my breath away. You see, he:

  • Thought little of his personal needs and was driven by the need to solve the big problem of food for his kind

    Mumble in Happy Feet

    Mumble in Happy Feet

  • Figured that no price was too high for him to pay for a lasting solution
  • Took the risk to jump off the top of a mighty iceberg into the water below to follow a trawler to places unknown
  • Swam for all he was worth and ended up stranded on a beach tired and almost dead
  • Never lost hope even when he was in captivity
  • Came back to save his kind

Slowly I begun to think about my life and the way it was rolling out. Questions run through my mind demanding to be answered.

  • Have I found my true purpose i.e. the reason I was created and placed on this earth?
  • Do I live my life with complete dedication to the solution I was put here to provide?
  • Have I got discouraged by the challenges of life and so I have given up my hopes and dreams?
  • Do I have a posse who keep me going when things are bad, who laugh with me, cry with me, walk with me, believe in and with me?
  • Will I one day reach the goal that was set out for me?
  • Do I even desire to reach the dream that God has for me?



The easy thing to do is to say yes to all the questions above but is that yes really true? Indeed there have been days when I have wanted to throw in the towel because life hasn’t panned out as I had planned and I am tired of toiling? Yet it is in those moments when I need to dig deep and find the connection with God and remember that HE is indeed on my side and is interested in me and the things I am going through. I must remember that the road I walk is as much for me as it is for others I need to touch so that I can help them grow. The good times and the hard times are to be celebrated and shared so that everyone can understand that there are lessons in everything.

I therefore choose to be energised to realise that there are things that await my touch so that God can resolve them. There are lives I am sent here to touch and be touched by. I find that I owe it to God to get up off of my back side and stop complaining about what I don’t have and instead focus on what HE has given me to give to others then all other things will begin to fall into place. I must live my life for more than just the money I can make tthe needs I can provide for my family. I must live for bigger better and greater things and these smaller ones will indeed be covered. I must share about my good and hard days because someone somewhere will be encouraged. I also realise that I am the sum total of everywhere I have been and every challenge and victory I have faced and my life is a book that someone else needs to read to provide the roadmap for them.

I choose this day to pursue the invisible, seemingly impossible great things that God has laid in my heart to do for HIM and I believe that as I do them HE will come through and sort out the little things that HE has promised for my life.

I stretch out my hand to you, take it and let us walk together into the things God has laid out for us to for His honour ad His Glory. Amen
