Tag Archives: subtle

A Subtle Shift

I wondered how the deal fell through

I wondered why the relationship was strained

I wondered who was walking with me

I wondered if anyone cared


I wondered where food was coming from

I wondered if I would have water to drink

I wondered when the fruit would ripen

I wondered how I would live today


I wondered when the darkness would end

I wondered when the cold would lift

I wondered when the sun would shine

I wondered if the moon would rise


I wondered why the winds were so strong

I wondered why the dust was so much

I wondered why the plants were dying

I wondered if God could see the destruction


I wondered if God was listening to me

I wondered if he would answer my prayers

I wondered if he would delivery my requests

I wondered if he was even there


One question at a time

One step at a time

One disappointment at a time

 One fear at a time


One sob story at a time

One jibe from people at a time

One hard choice at a time

One fear at a time


Unbelief sneaked in

Shrouded in a dark cloak

Covered by the darkness around

Settling in before I realised


Unbelief took root

Shifting every solid foundation

Cracking every pillar in life

Challenging every thought I had


Ah Papa, help me

I cannot live like this anymore

Your word promises strength and grace

I need help to walk away.


Ah Papa, help me

Break this weak foundation

Recast a new foundation

I need help to walk away.


Ah Papa, help me

To shatter every misconception

And replace it with your wonderful truth

I need help to walk away.


Ah Papa, help me

Rebuild the foundation for longevity

Strengthen my resolve to stay the course

I need help to walk away.


Ah Papa, help me

Design by Akiko Stories