Let Me Be Clear

Let me be clear:

I want only all of you

I like you in your truth

I appreciate your desire to grow

I adore every part of you

I will work to ensure you are whole


Let me be clear:

I see the truth of your heart

I see the light in your eyes

I see the gentleness in your spirit

I see the glory of your complexion


Let me be clear:

I see the beauty of your shape

I see the delicate curve of your spine

I see the gentle dip of your waist

I see the subtle sway of your hips


Let me be clear:

I saw you long before you saw me

I marked you for connection then

I followed you for a while

I knew you would be mine


Let me be clear:

I will not walk away

I will not lose heart

I will not delay my move

I will not give up on you

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

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